AZERTO 300ec
Dinotefuran 200 G/L + Bifentrin 100 G/L
Filters Agrochemicals: Insecticides
Filters Crops: Soybean

MGAP:   5510

Active ingredient: Dinotefuran 200 G/L + Bifentrin 100 G/L.

Formulation:  Emulsifiable concentrate.

Características: Insecticide with dual mode of action. dinotefuran: neonicotinoid, systemic, with contact action and ingestion that causes paralysis. Bifenthrin: pyrethroid, contact with action by contact and ingestion with turning power.

Cultivos: Soy.

Pests: Bugs.

Dose: 400cc/Ha.

Packaging: 1L, 5L, 20L.

TC: 30 days.



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