Our Company
About Us

Compañía Cibeles SA is a public limited company made up entirely of Uruguayan capitals. The company’s main purpose is the production and distribution of agrochemical, veterinary (nutritional and pharmaceutical) nutritional products for human consumption and the import and distribution of pharmaceutical products. We have more than 200 highly committed, qualified and experienced employees and professionals.
Our facilities consist of a Central office located in the neighborhood of Capurro (Montevideo) and a property with Industrial Plants in the Joaquin Suárez area (Canelones department). Currently, such property has 34 hectares of land with 15,000 m2 of industrial facilities, two artificial dams and a water treatment plant. The latter ensures the supply and availability of deionized and demineralized water, both for formulations of the veterinary line and for phytosanitary products.
The industrial plants comply with all environmental requirements, approved by national authorities such as Canelones Municipality, DINAMA (National Department of the Environment), MSP (Ministry of Public Health), MGAP (Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries). These plants have implemented a strict control and treatment of liquid effluents and a comprehensive management plan for their solid waste.
Cibeles SA embodies its commitment to workers, to the community, to clients and the environment, among other ways, through its support to the ASIQUR (Association of Chemical Industries in Uruguay) Responsible Care of the Environment Program and the Clean Field Program.
We facilities include plants with updated equipment and technology as well as Development and Quality Control Laboratories which have analytical techniques and validated procedures that ensure strict quality control of processes and products.
To date, our company’s products are marketed locally and also exported to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Mexico, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Nicaragua and Honduras.

Certifications and Licenses
Certifications | Range | Nº | Expiration date | Document |
GMP – Supplements (MGAP – Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries) | Mineral and complementary supplements for ruminants. | Nº 06191040 | Renewed annually. | Download |
GMP – Veterinary
(DILAVE – Division of Veterinary Laboratories)
| For the following pharmaceutical formulas:
Injectable solutions and suspensions for aseptic preparation, Solutions and oral suspensions Ectoparasiticides.
| Nº108 | 14/12/2027 | Download |
GMP and HACCP – Cibeles Nutrition
(MSP – Ministry of Public Health)
| Gluten-free powdered medicinal foods. | Ref.6354/2018 | 09/12/2024 | Download |
Cibeles Nutrition License
(MSP – Ministry of Public Health)
| Fractionation and packaging of pharmaceutical specialties based on creatine (gluten-free). | 094/2019 | 09/12/2024 | Download |
Quality Management System ISO 9001 – Agro | Commercial advice on phytosanitary products for agriculture, preparation and dispatch of phytosanitary products for agriculture, development of new formulations, post-sale service. | 2619/01 | 14/01/2025 | Download |
PCRMA Audit Certificate | responsible environmental care program | – | 02/08/2026 | Download |
*GMP: Good Manufacturing Practices
NOTE: In the “documents” column you will find a link to download the different certificates.
“…Business entity representative of the country’s industrial sector, established on November 12, 1898 in order to promote the interests of the national industry, to advocate for their rights and stimulate the industrial development of the country ”. www.ciu.com.uy
“Representa al sector privado empresarial desde 1867. Se encarga de atender y difundir lo que los empresarios piensan, sus inquietudes, necesidades y puntos de vista. En la Cámara Nacional de Comercio y Servicios encuentran un punto de reunión empresarios de los más diversos giros. Además, representa al sector empresarial ante las autoridades nacionales y departamentales y acerca al socio diversos servicios de modo de propender a su formación continua y a su mejor desempeño en el mercado nacional e internacional”.“Represents the private business sector since 1867. It is in charge of attending and disseminating what entrepreneurs think, their concerns, needs and points of view. Businessmen of the most diverse sectors find a common ground in the National Chamber of Commerce and Services. In addition, it represents the business sector before national and departmental authorities and provides members with several services in order to promote continuous training and better performance in the national and international market”. https://www.cncs.com.uy/
“We promote actions we consider advisable between the government and the export community actors, trying to make the exports-related legal and regulatory system as practical and suitable as possible for the development of exports. We pro-actively develop programmes and services to foster the growth of exports companies. We spread information about the exports area through our website and social networks”.
“We represent and advocate for the interests of the partners before national and international public or private entities, helping develop the process of growth and international insertion of its members and of the Uruguayan chemical industry. We provide efficient services tailored to the needs of members, in order to consolidate their business growth. We promote the development of the Uruguayan chemical industry, in an effort to expand production and competitiveness, encouraging Care for the Environment and the wellbeing of the Uruguayan society”. https://www.asiqur.org/
Commission that acts within the Association of Chemical Industries of Uruguay.
“The only entity that brings together the international laboratories that are established in Uruguay. It was founded in 1954 to create a space for dialogue and participation to solve the issues that laboratories dedicated to pharmaceutical scientific research and development have in common”. http://www.cefa.uy/
“Trade union association that brings together importers and manufacturers of agro-veterinary products of the Uruguayan market“. https://www.cncs.com.uy/gremial/camara-de-especialidades-veterinarias/
“A civil association that began its activities with the purpose of managing the agrochemical and fertilizer containers that its members launch to the market, ensuring their safe final disposal. Currently it brings together more than 85 importing companies and/or formulators of agrochemical products and fertilizers. The Association submitted to DINAMA a Container Management Plan that seeks to provide national coverage, involving all stakeholders in the production chain (importers, manufacturers, distributors, farmer applicators)”. https://campolimpio.org.uy/
“Asociación privada, sin fines de lucro, de carácter nacional, integrada por productores, que ha tenido y tiene por objeto la defensa y el fomento de los intereses de la producción agraria e industrias complementarias y derivadas, la promoción de los trabajadores rurales en todos los planos humanos, éticos, culturales y económicos, la unidad y armonía en el esfuerzo de los que se dedican a la explotación agropecuaria, la defensa del interés nacional a través del esfuerzo del medio y del trabajo agropecuario”.“Private non-profit national association, made up of producers, whose purpose has been and to defend and promote the interests of agricultural production and supplementary and derivative industries, the promotion of rural workers in all human, ethical, cultural and economic levels, unity and harmony in the efforts of those who are engaged in agricultural exploitation, the defense of the national interest through the effort of the environment and agricultural work ”. https://www.aru.org.uy/
“Non-profit, independent center for studies specialized in public policies. This center is devoted to the economic and social analysis, to the design of public policies and to promote their debate both locally and in international forums, with the ultimate purpose of promoting reforms that help improve people’s quality of life. Since 1985 CERES has been a benchmark institution in its study and analysis topics, building bridges between knowledge production and decision makers”. https://ceres-uy.org/
“Non-profit association who offers its members the possibility of being part of a network through which they support each other to face the challenges of the business world and, guided by our values, to be able to transform your companies and have a positive impact in the environment. This transformation seeks the sustainability of companies through management based on the dignity of people and public good”. https://www.acde.org.uy/

Trust that generates results

How we started
Compañía Cibeles SA was founded in 1976, as a company made up with Uruguayan capital, with the purpose of exclusively representing and distributing in the market the veterinary and agrochemical products of Merck Sharp & Dohme (US-based MSD).
Starting in 1978, we also began to exclusively import and distribute phytosanitary and veterinary products from Sandoz (Switzerland).
In 1981 we annexed the MSD pharmaceutical line which still continues at present. The Company starts sepcializing in technical assistance, distribution and sale of products intended not only for plant and animal health but also for human health.
In those years, the veterinary products of the company TAD Pharmaceuticals (Germany) were added to our distribution services, with a wide line of products such as antibiotics, disinfectants, vaccines, among others.
In the early nineties, Cibeles starts importing and distributing the line of phytosanitary products of the company Anasac (Chile) in the domestic market. The import and sale of the Ordram product from Stauffer, an effective and recognized herbicide that was used in rice cultivation, is also being negotiated in Brazil; forming an interesting and wide line of phytosanitary products for different extensive crops as well as for the national fruit and vegetable sector.
At the end of the nineties and as a consequence of globalization, the Agro and Veterinary products of the companies represented stopped being imported and distributed when the decision was made to start formulating our own products in Uruguay, aiming at selling them both locally and overseas.
A new and promising bid begins here, which would contribute to further development and growth of the company. For example, the Agro line increases its market share, starting to export its products to different countries in South America and the US.
Industrial Plants
In 2000 Cibeles SA acquired a land with Industrial Plants, originally built by ICI, beginning the manufacturing of phytosanitary and veterinary products (injectable and oral) and building a few years later a Plant for the production of food supplements for ruminants (protein blocks, energetic and phosphoric).
As these plants were initially used for the formulation of agrochemicals, plasticizers, resins and paints, Cibeles SA made significant investments to adapt them to the formulation of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and adjuvants in Agro and to formulate injectable, oral and pour-on and bathing products in Veterinary.
Plants are built to produce a wide range of powdered food supplements for humans, and that is when the Cibeles Nutrition line was born.
PNH1 Plant | Built in 2007 |
PNH2 Plant | Built in 2012 |
From the year 2000 we began to adapt the existing plants, seeking an adequate and safe formulation of Agrochemicals. Accompanying the growth in demand, we started building new plants. All of them have invested in semi-automatic and automatic packaging lines, automatic labeling and induction sealing.
AA1 Plant |
| |
AA2 Plant | Glyphosate-based herbicide formulation plant (SL) – Built in 2008 | |
AA3 Plant | Hormone-like herbicide formulation plant (SL) – Built in 2009 | |
AA4 Plant | Special herbicide formulation plant (SL) – Built in 2019 | |
AB1 Plant | Emulsifiable concentrated insecticide and fungicide formulation plant (EC) | |
AB2 Plant | Emulsifiable concentrated insecticide, fungicide and coadjuvants formulation plant (EC and SL) – Updated in 2016. | |
AC1 Plant | Plant for the formulation of herbicide suspension concentrates (SC) | |
AC2 Plant | Insecticide and fungicide suspension concentrates (SC) formulation plant – Updated in 2016 | |
AC3 Plant | Seed treatment formulation plant (FS) – Built in 2012 |
At the time of the acquisition, we did not have veterinary product formulation plants, so we had to carry out the necessary investments to start producing.
Over time and for the purpose of obtaining GMP certification, several of these plants had to be rebuilt.
VI Plant | Injectable internal parasiticide formulation and packaging plant – Rebuilt in 2012 according to GMP standards. |
VO Plant | Oral internal parasiticide formulation and packaging plant – Rebuilt in 2012 according to GMP standards. |
VE Plant | Ectoparasiticide Formulation Plant. |
SBB Planta | Block formulation plant – Built in 2007 |
SSB Planta | Bagged supplement formulation plant – Built in 2009 |
2000 | Repair and tune-up of the Water Treatment Plant |
2007 – 2014 | Gradual investments to set up and furnish Quality Control Laboratories |
2008 | Research and Development Laboratory |
2010 | New warehouses for the storage of raw materials |
2011 | First chemical effluent evaporation system |
2012 | Agro and Veterinary finished products storage warehouse (CDC 2500m2) |
2013 | Room with cabinets for stability studies |
2017 | Pilot plant for agro and veterinary development scaling |
2018 | Doubling of the chemical effluent evaporation capacity and new biological effluent treatment system |

Mission, Vision, Values and Commitment

We seek to provide first-line products and services related to human, plant and animal health, which improve the quality of life and exceed customer expectations.
We aspire to be a leading company in the markets we serve, highlighted mainly by the excellence in the quality of our products.
We work to keep on reinventing ourselves in order to meet the changing needs of the markets and evolve together with our clients.
We aim at being valued for the great commitment, professionalism, and responsibility shared by every member of our organization, as a result of our organizational culture, aligned with our fundamental values.
We strive to achieve the greater wellbeing of our employees, clients, investors and society as a whole.
Values and Commitments

Our work culture is the result of a permanent construction based on solid values. We are encouraged by positive messages from clients, employees, suppliers and all those with whom we interact.
Commitment to Clients
Clients are what we live for and that is why we focus our efforts on identifying their needs and developing superior products and services to satisfy their demands in a timely manner. We aim for relationships to be mutually beneficial and based on the pillars of compliance, respect and trust.
Commitment to Employees
Seeking stability and generating the greatest possible satisfaction in terms of opportunities for advancement have always been our priorities, as well as training and job challenges.
We promote motivation, teamwork and continuous improvement, taking into account the unique characteristics of each individual.
We encourage the pursuit and formation of individual values such as integrity, respect, professionalism, persistence, and a proactive attitude.
We promote a comfortable, healthy and respectful work environment. We care about the safety, health and well-being of our workers and we do not tolerate any type of violence, discrimination, or harassment in the workplace. We materialize all of this through strict policies and clear procedures.
Commitment to the Community
Occupational Health and Safety, Quality and Environment
Our policy aims at a comprehensive involvement that goes beyond respecting and complying with current laws and regulations. We make sure that all our contributors are aware of the requirements in terms of occupational health and safety, the environment and quality.
One of our most important premises is to ensure a correct and measured use of natural resources, manage and separate waste from the production process, seek alternatives to reduce environmental impact and generate an awareness of work that encompasses a healthy, safe, quality place, while taking care of the environment that surrounds us. We strive for continuous improvement, reviewing and adjusting our Quality Management System in order to create value and sustainable growth.
We have procedures for the management of waste and effluents in the Industrial Plants, and we actively adhere to programs such as Campo Limpio, for the management of used containers as well as the Program for Responsible Care of the Environment (ASIQUR).
Social assistance
We have always taken on the commitment to contribute to social causes and we have had the pleasure of doing so at different times depending on the circumstances of the country, directly supporting or through endeavors or social institutions.
In 2009 we thought it convenient to prioritize institutions focused on education in low-income areas, while continuing to assist other causes such as those related to health, or in the areas where we are located, such as Capurro (Head Office), Suárez (Industrial Plants) and surroundings (Barros Blancos, Casarino and Toledo).
We understand education as the best resource for individuals’ development and training in the different stages of life, capable of positively impact the future of individuals and therefore of society as a whole.
Niños con Alas – Project Método Singapur de matemáticas and 5 scholarships
Liceo Impulso
Liceo Jubilar
Centro Educativo Providencia
Los Tréboles
Liceo Francisco de Paysandú
Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Paso Carrasco (support through Stella Maris)
Asociación Civil América – 10 scholarships
Organización Fe y Alegría – Design and support for the realization of Quality Management of Education Quality Programs and scholarships to colegio San Adolfo.
Fundación Dr Perez Scremini
Fundación Caldeyro Barcia
Instituto Pasteur – Specific contribution to the Infectology Lab
Fazenda da Esperança (recovery of young addicts)
Equine therapy (Maranatha Equestrian Center)
Schools, specific requests from the mayor’s office, police station and fire station, babyfootball clubs, community meals, Christmas celebration in the Capurro area.

Cibeles in America

Cibeles Argentina SA
Cibeles Paraguay SRL
Cibeles Bolivia SRL
Distributors and Representatives
Country: Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Phone: +54 11 4102 5200
Country: Argentina
City: Concordia, Entre Ríos
Phone: +54 34 5429 0944
City: La Paz
Phone: +591-2-2355311
City: Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Phone: 00591 342 9222
City: Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Phone: 00591 3365 0205
City: Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Phone: 00591 341 7215
City: Guatemala
Phone: 00502 24790287
City: Santa Rosa de Copan
Phone: +504 9884 2420
Name: Virbac México, S.A. de C.V.
City: Guadalajara
Phone: 00528000247575
City: Estado Managua
Phone: (505) 2266-7032
City: Panamá
Phone: (507)66794330
City: Asunción
Phone: +595-21-228 370
City: Encarnación
Phone: 0986 115330
City: San Lorenzo
Phone: +598 986 101 488
Ciudad: La Vega
Tel: +1 809573 7687
Ciudad: Sto. Domingo
Teléfono: 001 809 525 7519

Plastic bags, polypropylene woven bags; Jute, wool capes; feeders for cattle. Imports and distributes shade cloth for cattle, openwork bags for potatoes, onions and squash or squash, and wrapping thread.

The Cabaña has 600 producing bellies, Hereford, Polled Hereford and Angus that make up the pedigree stock. In the spring of 2014 the RP 14,000 calf was tattooed and we have sold more than 7,000 bulls.
Contact Information

Central Ofice:
12 de Diciembre 767
Montevideo, Uruguay
(+598) 2209 1001
Industrial Plant:
Ruta 74, km 26 (Joaquín Suárez)
Canelones, Uruguay
(+598) 2288 8530