MGAP : 5352
Active ingredient: Thiram 200 g/L + Carbendazim 200g/L + Iprodione 100g/L
Formulation: concentrated suspension for seed treatment.
Characteristics: three modes of action, broad spectrum of control.
Crops: wheat, barley, oats and ryegrass.
Pests: spots, rots and fusariosis.
Dosage: 200-250 cc/100 kg of seed.
Presentation: 1 L, 5 L, 20 L
PHI: does not correspond.
Central Office:
12 de Diciembre 767
Montevideo, Uruguay
(+598) 2209 1001
Industrial Planta:
Ruta 74, km 26 (Joaquín Suárez)
Canelones, Uruguay
(+598) 2288 8530
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