MGAP: 5579
Active ingredient: Bentazone sodium salt 657 G/L, equivalent in bentazone 600 G/L.
Formulation: soluble concentrate.
Characteristics: contact, selective, post-emergent application, for the control of broadleaf and sedge weeds.
Crops: soybeans, sorghum, corn, clovers, rice, wheat, barley and potatoes.
Pests: Turnip, Red Yuyo, Creeper, Ball Grass, Purslane, etc.
Dosage: 0.6L – 2.5/ha.
Packaging: 1L, 5L, 20L
TC: Cereals 30 days. Soybeans 60 days. Corn and sorghum 77 days. Allow 21 days to pass between application and grazing. Dad 1 day.
Central Office:
12 de Diciembre 767
Montevideo, Uruguay
(+598) 2209 1001
Industrial Planta:
Ruta 74, km 26 (Joaquín Suárez)
Canelones, Uruguay
(+598) 2288 8530
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