MGAP (Ministry of Livestock Agriculture and Fisheries) registration no. 4928
Active ingredient: Fluroxypyr meptyl 480 g/L
Formulation: Emulsifiable concentrate
Characteristics: Systemic herbicide for post-emergence crop application recommended for broad spectrum control of broadleaf weeds.
It is mostly absorbed by leaves and its mode of action is hormone-based, inhibiting weed growth.
Crops: Wheat, barley, oats, corn, sorghum, rice, onion, apple, pear, grass prairie, fallow land.
Weeds: Caltrop, field bindweed, common dandelion, climbing bindweed, docks & sorrels, common giant mustard, radish, wild turnip, bloodroot, senecio, bishop's weed, wild celery, purslane.
Dosage: 150-420 ml/ha
PHI: 40-45 days
Presentation: 1 L, 5 L and 20 L
Central Office:
12 de Diciembre 767
Montevideo, Uruguay
(+598) 2209 1001
Industrial Planta:
Ruta 74, km 26 (Joaquín Suárez)
Canelones, Uruguay
(+598) 2288 8530
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